Put simply, the GovernRight Platform™ is a web-based tool that embeds Modern Governance, by supporting the Board to oversee and allowing the management to manage.
GovernRight Embed is where the Platform becomes your organisation’s governance and reporting framework.
The Professional Partner Group consultant partners with your organisation in the implementation of the platform to ensure it is responsive to the governance challenges of the organisation, and gives the organisation the capacity to use it in the best possible way for them.
If organisations have already used GovernRight Build™, then all this data can be easily exported into the GovernRight Platform™ and forms the basis for platform information. Alternatively, organisations can move directly to the EMBED phase and this usually occurs for organisations with strong existing information and experience in well established strategic plans and risk registers.
GovernRight© is a platform
Supporting your Path to Modern Governance, the framework focuses on helping the Board with three key responsibilities:
the oversight of compliance risks - Compliance Governance;
monitoring the strategic plan implementation and performance risks - Performance Governance; and
focused discussion on the management of changing/emerging trends - Emerging Governance.
By working closely with our clients, we systematically work to improve the governance of their business by working through the Seven Pillars of Modern Governance. It involves work with boards and management and once established, requires on going monitoring to make sure it is meeting the needs of the organisation as it continues to grow, develop and change.
A key component of this phase is aligning the Board committees with strategy and risk oversight. Through a structured framework that is designed to ensure key risk and opportunity issues relevant to the organisation are addressed on a regular and periodic basis in the context of proper governance.
The system is designed to ensure that Board/Committee members discharge their governance obligations by asking the right questions and demonstrating an appropriate investigative process to show that the questions have been answered in a proper fashion and that relevant actions (where necessary) are identified, implemented and monitored.
It means that the information generated by management can be appropriately discussed at committee level and then made into agenda items for the full board by the committee, based on their criticality to the organisation and its future.