Assessing your journey on the Path to MODERN Governance
Understanding the current governance culture and governance processes of an organisation through the lens of the GovernRight Framework™ provides an insight into the soul of the organisation and helps to identify key issues and areas for improvement.
GovernRight Assess measures where you are on your governance journey and benchmarks your progress over time, as well as against other similar organisations.
It measures your organisations against the two or three best practice outcomes in the Seven Pillars of GovernRight Framework and plots a visual matrix to identify areas of strengths and limitations.
It gives the organisation and the consultant at The Professional Partner Group the opportunity to examine crucial elements and partnerships for business success such as the relationship between Board and management, or even more particularly, the relationship between the Board Chair and the CEO; how real is the strategy in the life of the business or is it left on the shelf designed by an outside consultant; do both Board and management have a handle or risk or is it just a paper exercise until something goes wrong and how aware is the organisation of their long term future with its more hidden opportunities and risks.