Take Theory into Practice to Make Governance Work™
The practical implementation of modern governance
Most board members and senior executives have an understanding about governance. They know its importance to the wellbeing and long-term viability of their organisation or business.
They may have attended an AICD or other governance course, however, they may have found it challenging when it comes to putting their governance knowledge into practice in their own organisation.
In our experience, having worked with hundreds of organisations over the past two decades, there are several common factors that can de-rail organisations on your journey to modern governance:
Activity reporting rather than outcome-based reporting.
A lack of understanding of the ‘should know’ mindset for board members and directors.
A focus on today and tomorrow rather than next month, next year.
A poor understanding of the link between risk vs growth, and risk and strategy
GovernRight’s Aware workshops address these.
They are about understanding the “Challenges of Modern Governance” and how the Seven Pillars of the GovernRight Framework can help you on your journey to modern governance.
They take the theory and show you how to apply it effectively for today’s organisations and build the path to modern governance.
The workshops involve practical discussion so that you and your team have a collective understanding of good governance, and a road map that shows how you can build it.
The broad objectives of a Challenge of Modern Governance Workshop are:
To establish the need for and value of modern governance
To understand the Challenge of Modern Governance – operating with a ‘should know’ mindset
To explore the importance of the right board / management relationship – oversight vs management
To consider the warning signs of poor governance
To provide an overview of director responsibilities and rights
To build good governance practices by examining expectations of a board, and supporting deeper understandings of its key obligations to oversee:
Growth – through strategic planning and implementation to build a sustainable organisation
Change – addressing the “emerging governance items” with response to either a risk or opportunity where the likelihood of occurrence is increasing
Risk – correct balance between oversight and management in the oversight of risks in the management operations, supported with “positive assurance” that mitigations are working as they should.
To understand the value of useful information – the modern board pack.
Join the Founder of the GovernRight, Simon Neaverson FAICD, as he leads the discussion on building the awareness in your organisation for Modern Governance.
Book an Aware workshop today.
Bring 3–4 members of your team and join other organisations as we build a solid understanding of the fundamentals of modern governance, and share experiences. An introduction for board members and senior executives about the challenges and how to make governance work.
(Our most popular and cost-effective.)
We can design a specific workshop for your organisation.
If you have other requirements contact us on 02 9233 8800 or email and one of the partners from The Professional Partner Group will be in touch.